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Commissionerate-welfare-differently-abled द्वारा District Program Officer पदों के लिए भर्ती - हिंदी रोज़गार

में पद की भर्ती के लिए आवेदन आमंत्रित की जाती हैं। मान्यता प्राप्त संस्थान से स्नातक डिग्री कर चुके अभ्यर्थी के लिए एक अच्छा अवसर दे रही है। इच्छुक अभ्यर्थी निचे दिए गए अनुदेशों को पढ़कर अंतिम तिथि से पूर्व आवेदन कर सकते है। आवेदन करने की अंतिम दिनांक है। इन पदों के लिए उम्मीदवारों का चयन साक्षात्कार और अनुभव के आधार पर किया जाएगा।

Commissionerate-welfare-differently-abled द्वारा District Program Officer पदों के लिए भर्ती

Vacancy Circular No:

Directorate For Welfare Of The Differently Abled Persons
द्वारा भर्ती - District Program Officer

District Program Officer

नौकरी करने का स्थान:

Project Director-RIGHTS Project cum Director, Directorate for Welfare of the Differently Abled, No.5, Kamarajar Salai, Lady Willingdon College Campus, Chennai-600005.


आवेदन करने की अंतिम दिनांक (Last Date): 27 December 2021
Employment Type: Full Time

रिक्त पदों की संख्या: 5 Posts

Government of Tamil Nadu Job opening 2021
Government of Tamil Nadu Job opening 2021 भर्ती 2021 Details
नौकरी भूमिका District Program Officer
शिक्षा आवश्यकता B.A,BSW,M.A,PG Diploma,MSW,MPA
एकुल रिक्ति 5 Posts
नौकरी के स्थान (Tiruchirappalli), Chennai, Tiruvannamalai, Dharmapuri, Perambalur
अनुभव 3 - 5 years
वेतन 40000(Per Month)
पर प्रविष्ट किया 16 Dec, 2021
आवेदन करने की अंतिम तिथि 27 Dec, 2021

शैक्षणिक योग्यता (Educational Qualifications): B.A, BSW, M.A, PG Diploma, MSW, MPA

अनुभव (अनुभव): Please refer to official document

Skills / Eligibility

1. RIGHTS Project : Inclusion, Accessibility & Opportunities for the Differently Abled in Tamil Nadu

2. Post Name: District Program Officer – Community Services(DPO-CS)

a) No of engagement : 05

3. Language Required /Preferred : Tamil & English

4. Duration of Contract : 12 months (Renewable subject to performance)

5. Reporting Officer : District Differently Abled Welfare Officer(DDAWO)

6. Educational Qualification And अनुभव: This engagement requires dynamic, अनुभवd and analytical professionals with demonstrated अनुभव of managing work with programmatic interventions related to persons with disabilities.

i) Full-time UG/PG degree in social work, rural development, development studies, public policy, public administration, post Graduate Diploma in Community Based Rehabilitation or any other relevant discipline from a reputed university preferred.

ii) 3-5 years post qualification अनुभव of working with National/State Govt. and/or development/donor/similar organization/s with direct अनुभव of working on programs for empowerment of persons with disabilities. अनुभव of working with community organisations of persons with disabilities and families such as DPOs and community based organisations will be preferred.

iii) Demonstrated ability/अनुभव in engaging communities in similar projects.

iv) Fluency in spoken and written Tamil and English is a must.

7. Skills Required: 

i) Capability to use internet for any secondary research

ii) Good computer skills in MS-Office: Word, Excel and PPT

iii) Ability to work in teams and liaise well with others

iv) Good writing and presentation skills and ability to make presentations in English as well as Tamil.

8. Remuneration: 

i) The remuneration for the incumbent would be Rs.40,000 per month . Only travel expenses will be paid as per actuals. The consultant will be located at the DDAWO of selected District during the course of the contracted period. This engagement may require travel as per Project requirements.

ii) The consultant will have to attend office at DDAWO on all working days unless he/she is on official tour as approved by or allowed to work from home by PD. He/She may also be required to attend office on holidays as and when so desired by PD for disposal of urgent matters. However, no extra remuneration will be paid for attending office on holidays

9. Duty Station : One of the selected district as per project plan(Chennai, Tiruvannamalai, Dharmapuri, Tiruchirappalli and Perambalur)

सैलरी कितनी मिलेगी:
40000(Per Month)

आयु सीमा (Age Limit):

Selection Procedure

Selection Will be Based either Written Exam/Interview

आवेदन करने का तरीका (How to apply)

चयन प्रकिया: अभ्यर्थी का चयन लिखित परीक्षा एवं साक्षात्कार में उनके प्रदर्शन के आधार पर किया जाएगा।

1. Potential candidates having significant अनुभव in similar assignments may submit their detailed CV with a cover letter.

2. The CV should be based on the fact that the candidate will have to substantiate with original documents during the selection process, failing which their candidature will be rejected.

3. The initial period of the contract shall be 12 months with the possibility of further extension subject to the performance of selected candidates, availability of funds and requirement of Project.

4. Potential candidates may submit their detailed CV with a cover letter through email addressed to: Project Director - RIGHTS Project cum Directorate for Welfare of the Differently Abled, No.5, Kamarajar Salai, Lady Willingdon College Campus, Chennai-600005.

5. E-Mail:[email protected] with CC to [email protected] with the subject line: RIGHTS: Program Officer - Community Mobilization - 2022

6. Hard-copy of the application may be sent to: Project Director-RIGHTS Project cum Director, Directorate for Welfare of the Differently Abled, No.5, Kamarajar Salai, Lady Willingdon College Campus, Chennai-600005.

7. Last Date For The Submission On Applications Is 27.12.2021

महत्वपूर्ण तिथियाँ:

Published on: 16 December 2021

आवेदन करने की अंतिम दिनांक: 27 December 2021

अधिक जानकारी के लिए कृपया आधिकारिक अधिसूचना देखें:

से सम्बंधित अधिक जानकारियों के लिए आप पब्लिश्ड नोटिफिकेशन देख सकते है कृपया इस जानकारी को अपने दोस्तों को शेयर करें एवं उनकी हेल्प करें एवं दैनिक रोजगार के लिए हमारी वेबसाइट पर प्रतिदिन विजिट करें |

के बारे में

इस नौकरी की अधिक जानकारी आप कंपनी के वेबसाइट पर प्राप्त कर सकते हैं।

HindRojgar की तरफ से आप सभी को शुभकामनाएँ। सभी सरकारी नौकरी अलर्ट, करंट अफेयर्स, मॉक टेस्ट और विभिन्न अन्य सरकारी नौकरियों के लिए 'www.hindirojgar.com' पर जाएं।

सरकारी नौकरियों की अन्य खबरों से अपडेट रहने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें।

महत्वपूर्ण लिंक

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जॉइन टेलीग्राम जॉइन व्हाट्सएप ग्रुप

आवश्यक दिशा निर्देश:- सभी उम्मीदवारों से नम्र अनुरोध है कि इस भर्ती संबधी निर्देशों का अवलोकन भली-भांति कर लें।

आप सभी से निवेदन है कि इस जॉब लिंक को अपने दोस्तों को Whatsapp ग्रुप, फेसबुक या अन्य सोशल नेटवर्क पर अधिक से अधिक शेयर करें. आप के एक Share से किसी का फायदा हो सकता है. तो अधिक से अधिक लोगो तक Share करें. हर रोज इस वेबसाइट पर आप सभी को, सभी प्रकार की सरकारी नौकरी की जानकारी दिया जाता है।

सभी से अनुरोध है की आवेदन करने से पहले विस्तृत अधिसूचना और अन्य जानकारियों जैसे विभागीय नोटिफिकेशन या विज्ञापन का स्वयं अवलोकन कर लें | पात्रता सम्बंधित निर्देशों को समझ कर आवेदन करें | किसी भी स्थिति में विभागीय विज्ञापन में दिए गए निर्देश ही मान्य होंगे |आप सभी से निवेदन है कि इस अधिसूचना को अधिक से अधिक WhatsApp और facebook पर शेयर करें। आपके दोस्तों को इस जॉब अधिसूचना अच्छे रोजगार के अवसर प्राप्त कर सकती है |

आप अपने सुझाव contact form के द्वारा भेज सकते है। हमारा प्रयास हमेशा रहता है हिंदी रोजगार को और भी बेहतर बनाने का।

ये भी पढ़ें!

February 10, 2023 को अपडेट किया

आवेदन करने की अंतिम दिनांक: Feb 24, 2023
नौकरी स्थान: Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Directorate for Welfare of the Differently Abled Accountant Recruitment 2023: Advertisement for the post of Accountant in the Directorate for Welfare of the Differently Abled. Candidates are advised to read the details, and eligibility criteria mentioned below for this vacancy. Candidates must check their eligibility i.e. educational qualification, age limit, experience and etc. The eligible candidates can submit their applications directly before 25 February 2023.

February 10, 2023 को अपडेट किया

आवेदन करने की अंतिम दिनांक: Feb 24, 2023
नौकरी स्थान: Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Directorate for Welfare of the Differently Abled District Program Officer Recruitment 2023: Advertisement for the post of District Program Officer in Directorate for Welfare of the Differently Abled. Candidates are advised to read the details, and eligibility criteria mentioned below for this vacancy. Candidates must check their eligibility i.e. educational qualification, age limit, experience and etc. The eligible candidates can submit their applications directly before 25 February 2023.

February 10, 2023 को अपडेट किया

आवेदन करने की अंतिम दिनांक: Feb 24, 2023
नौकरी स्थान: Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Directorate for Welfare of the Differently Abled District Program Officer Recruitment 2023: Advertisement for the post of District Program Officer in the Directorate for Welfare of the Differently Abled. Candidates are advised to read the details, and eligibility criteria mentioned below for this vacancy. Candidates must check their eligibility i.e. educational qualification, age limit, experience and etc. The eligible candidates can submit their applications directly before 25 February 2023.

December 16, 2021 को अपडेट किया

आवेदन करने की अंतिम दिनांक: Dec 26, 2021
नौकरी स्थान: Chennai, Tamil Nadu
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December 16, 2021 को अपडेट किया

आवेदन करने की अंतिम दिनांक: Dec 26, 2021
नौकरी स्थान: Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu
Vacancy Circular No: Directorate For Welfare Of The Differently Abled Persons invites applications for recruitment of Data Entry Operator Data Entry Operator Job Location:

December 16, 2021 को अपडेट किया

आवेदन करने की अंतिम दिनांक: Dec 26, 2021
नौकरी स्थान: Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu
Vacancy Circular No: Directorate For Welfare Of The Differently Abled Persons invites applications for recruitment of District Program Officer

December 16, 2021 को अपडेट किया

आवेदन करने की अंतिम दिनांक: Dec 26, 2021
नौकरी स्थान: Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Vacancy Circular No: Directorate For Welfare Of The Differently Abled Persons invites applications for recruitment of Senior Accountant Senior Accountant Job Location:

December 16, 2021 को अपडेट किया

आवेदन करने की अंतिम दिनांक: Dec 26, 2021
नौकरी स्थान: Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Vacancy Circular No: Directorate For Welfare Of The Differently Abled Persons invites applications for recruitment of District Programme Officer District Programme Officer Job Location:

December 16, 2021 को अपडेट किया

आवेदन करने की अंतिम दिनांक: Dec 26, 2021
नौकरी स्थान: Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Vacancy Circular No: Directorate For Welfare Of The Differently Abled Persons invites applications for recruitment of Office Assistant Office Assistant Job Location:

December 16, 2021 को अपडेट किया

आवेदन करने की अंतिम दिनांक: Dec 26, 2021
नौकरी स्थान: Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Vacancy Circular No: Directorate For Welfare Of The Differently Abled Persons invites applications for recruitment of Assistant Assistant Job Location:

Tamil Nadu सरकारी नौकरी