हिंदी रोजगार – सरकारी नौकरी

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NIMHR Invites Application for 10 Physiotherapist and Various Posts

आवेदन करने की अंतिम दिनांक: Aug 27, 2024
नौकरी स्थान: Sehore, Madhya Pradesh
Vacancy Circular No: -

National Health Mission Chandrapur Invites Application for 81 Staff Nurse and Various Posts

आवेदन करने की अंतिम दिनांक: Jul 20, 2023
नौकरी स्थान: Chandrapur, Maharashtra
Vacancy Circular No: -

Northeast Frontier Railway द्वारा Clinical Psychologist, Occupational Therapist, अधिक रिक्तियां पदों के लिए भर्ती

आवेदन करने की अंतिम दिनांक: May 29, 2023
नौकरी स्थान: Kamrup, Assam
North East Frontier Railway Clinical Psychologist, Occupational Therapist, More Vacancies Recruitment 2023: Advertisement for the post of Clinical Psychologist, Occupational Therapist, More Vacancies in North East Frontier Railway. Candidates are advised to read the details, and eligibility criteria mentioned below for this vacancy. Candidates must check their eligibility i.e. educational qualification, age limit, experience and etc. The eligible candidates can submit their application directly before 30 May 2023.

THSTI द्वारा Principal Scientist-I, अनुसंधान वैज्ञानिक, अधिक रिक्तियां पदों के लिए भर्ती

आवेदन करने की अंतिम दिनांक: Apr 10, 2023
नौकरी स्थान: Faridabad, Haryana
Translational Health Science and Technology Institute Principal Scientist I, Research Scientist, More Vacancies Recruitment 2023: Advertisement for the post of Principal Scientist I, Research Scientist, More Vacancies in Translational Health Science and Technology Institute. Candidates are advised to read the details, and eligibility criteria mentioned below for this vacancy. Candidates must check their eligibility i.e. educational qualification, age limit, experience and etc. The eligible candidates can submit their application directly before 11 April 2023.

Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology (SCTIMST) द्वारा Speech Therapist पदों के लिए भर्ती

आवेदन करने की अंतिम दिनांक: Mar 29, 2023
नौकरी स्थान: Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences & Technology Speech Therapist Recruitment 2023: Advertisement for the post of Speech Therapist in Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences & Technology. Candidates are advised to read the details, and eligibility criteria mentioned below for this vacancy. Candidates must check their eligibility i.e. educational qualification, age limit, experience and etc. The eligible candidates can submit their application directly before 30 March 2023.

JIPMER Invites Application for 69 Pharmacist, Stenographer and Various Posts

आवेदन करने की अंतिम दिनांक: Mar 17, 2023
नौकरी स्थान: Puducherry, Puducherry
Vacancy Circular No: Admn-I/DR/1(1)/2023

Jawaharlal Institute of Post graduate Medical Education and Research द्वारा शिक्षक पदों के लिए भर्ती

आवेदन करने की अंतिम दिनांक: Mar 01, 2023
नौकरी स्थान: Puducherry, Puducherry
Jawaharlal Institute of Post graduate Medical Education and Research Tutor Recruitment 2023: Advertisement for the post of Tutor in Jawaharlal Institute of Post graduate Medical Education and Research. Candidates are advised to read the details, and eligibility criteria mentioned below for this vacancy. Candidates must check their eligibility i.e. educational qualification, age limit, experience and etc. The eligible candidates can submit their application directly before 02 March 2023.

Regional Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS) द्वारा Assistant Professor Or Lecturer पदों के लिए भर्ती

आवेदन करने की अंतिम दिनांक: Feb 02, 2023
नौकरी स्थान: Imphal, Manipur
Regional Institute of Medical Sciences Assistant Professor Or Lecturer Recruitment 2023: Advertisement for the post of Assistant Professor Or Lecturer in Regional Institute of Medical Sciences. Candidates are advised to read the details, and eligibility criteria mentioned below for this vacancy. Candidates must check their eligibility i.e. educational qualification, age limit, experience and etc. The eligible candidates can submit their application directly before 03 February 2023.

District Health Society Dindigul (DHS Dindigul) Invites Application for 71 Staff Nurse, Physiotherapist and Various Posts

आवेदन करने की अंतिम दिनांक: Jan 31, 2023
नौकरी स्थान: Dindigul, Tamil Nadu
Vacancy Circular No: -

Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation of India (ALIMCO) द्वारा Prosthetist and Orthotist professional, Audiologist पदों के लिए भर्ती

आवेदन करने की अंतिम दिनांक: Jan 28, 2023
नौकरी स्थान: Anywhere In India, India
Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation of India Prosthetist and Orthotist professional, Audiologist Recruitment 2023: Advertisement for the post of Prosthetist and Orthotist professional, Audiologist in Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation of India. Candidates are advised to read the details, and eligibility criteria mentioned below for this vacancy. Candidates must check their eligibility i.e. educational qualification, age limit, experience and etc. The eligible candidates can submit their application directly before 29 January 2023.

आप सभी से निवेदन है कि इस जॉब लिंक को अपने दोस्तों को Whatsapp ग्रुप, फेसबुक या अन्य सोशल नेटवर्क पर अधिक से अधिक शेयर करें. आप के एक Share से किसी का फायदा हो सकता है. तो अधिक से अधिक लोगो तक Share करें. हर रोज इस वेबसाइट पर आप सभी को, सभी प्रकार की सरकारी नौकरी की जानकारी दिया जाता है।

सभी से अनुरोध है की आवेदन करने से पहले विस्तृत अधिसूचना और अन्य जानकारियों जैसे विभागीय नोटिफिकेशन या विज्ञापन का स्वयं अवलोकन कर लें | पात्रता सम्बंधित निर्देशों को समझ कर आवेदन करें | किसी भी स्थिति में विभागीय विज्ञापन में दिए गए निर्देश ही मान्य होंगे |आप सभी से निवेदन है कि इस अधिसूचना को अधिक से अधिक WhatsApp और facebook पर शेयर करें। आपके दोस्तों को इस जॉब अधिसूचना अच्छे रोजगार के अवसर प्राप्त कर सकती है |

आप अपने सुझाव contact form के द्वारा भेज सकते है। हमारा प्रयास हमेशा रहता है हिंदी रोजगार को और भी बेहतर बनाने का।

ये भी पढ़ें!