हिंदी रोजगार – सरकारी नौकरी

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Baba Farid University of Health Sciences (BFUHS) द्वारा Multi Purpose Health Worker पदों के लिए भर्ती

आवेदन करने की अंतिम दिनांक: Oct 30, 2023
नौकरी स्थान: Faridkot, Punjab
Vacancy Circular No: -

NHM Haryana द्वारा District Program Coordinator, District Quality Manager, अधिक रिक्तियां पदों के लिए भर्ती

आवेदन करने की अंतिम दिनांक: Sep 07, 2023
नौकरी स्थान: Panchkula, Haryana
National Rural Health Mission Haryana District Program Coordinator, District Quality Manager, More Vacancies Recruitment 2023: Advertisement for the post of District Program Coordinator, District Quality Manager, More Vacancies in National Rural Health Mission Haryana. Candidates are advised to read the details, and eligibility criteria mentioned below for this vacancy. Candidates must check their eligibility i.e. educational qualification, age limit, experience and etc. The eligible candidates can submit their application directly before 08 September 2023.

ACTREC द्वारा स्टाफ नर्स पदों के लिए भर्ती

आवेदन करने की अंतिम दिनांक: Mar 29, 2023
नौकरी स्थान: Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra
Advanced Centre for Treatment Research and Education in Cancer (ACTREC) Staff Nurse Recruitment 2023: Advertisement for the post of Staff Nurse in Advanced Centre for Treatment Research and Education in Cancer (ACTREC). Candidates are advised to read the details, and eligibility criteria mentioned below for this vacancy. Candidates must check their eligibility i.e. educational qualification, age limit, experience and etc. The eligible candidates can submit their application directly before 30 March 2023.

Government of West Bengal द्वारा ASHA पदों के लिए भर्ती

आवेदन करने की अंतिम दिनांक: Sep 06, 2022
नौकरी स्थान: Purulia, West Bengal
Government of West Bengal ASHA Recruitment 2022: Advertisement for the post of ASHA in Government of West Bengal. Candidates are advised to read the details, and eligibility criteria mentioned below for this vacancy. Candidates must check their eligibility i.e. educational qualification, age limit, experience and etc. The eligible candidates can submit their application directly before 07 September 2022. Candidates can check the latest Government of West Bengal Recruitment 2022 ASHA Vacancy 2022 details and apply online at the wb.gov.in recruitment 2022 page.

North 24 Parganas द्वारा ASHA पदों के लिए भर्ती

आवेदन करने की अंतिम दिनांक: Jun 09, 2022
नौकरी स्थान: North 24 Parganas, West Bengal
Government of West Bengal ASHA Recruitment 2022: Advertisement for the post of ASHA in Government of West Bengal. Candidates are advised to read the details, and eligibility criteria mentioned below for this vacancy. Candidates must check their eligibility i.e. educational qualification, age limit, experience and etc. The eligible candidates can submit their application directly before 10 June 2022. Candidates can check the latest Government of West Bengal Recruitment 2022 ASHA Vacancy 2022 details and apply online at the wb.gov.in recruitment 2022 page.

WB Health द्वारा ASHA पदों के लिए भर्ती

आवेदन करने की अंतिम दिनांक: Jun 09, 2022
नौकरी स्थान: North 24 Parganas, West Bengal
Health & Family Welfare Department (West Bengal) ASHA Recruitment 2022: Advertisement for the post of ASHA in Health & Family Welfare Department (West Bengal). Candidates are advised to read the details, and eligibility criteria mentioned below for this vacancy. Candidates must check their eligibility i.e. educational qualification, age limit, experience and etc. The eligible candidates can submit their application directly before 10 June 2022.

Health & Family Welfare Department (West Bengal) द्वारा ASHA पदों के लिए भर्ती

आवेदन करने की अंतिम दिनांक: Jun 09, 2022
नौकरी स्थान: North Twenty Four Parganas, India
Health & Family Welfare Department (West Bengal) ASHA Recruitment 2022: Advertisement for the post of ASHA in Health & Family Welfare Department (West Bengal). Candidates are advised to read the details, and eligibility criteria mentioned below for this vacancy. Candidates must check their eligibility i.e. educational qualification, age limit, experience and etc. The eligible candidates can submit their application directly before 10 June 2022.

Banda District Uttar Pradesh द्वारा Urban ASHA पदों के लिए भर्ती

आवेदन करने की अंतिम दिनांक: May 24, 2022
नौकरी स्थान: Banda, Uttar Pradesh
Government of Uttar Pradesh Urban ASHA Recruitment 2022: Advertisement for the post of Urban ASHA in Government of Uttar Pradesh. Candidates are advised to read the details, and eligibility criteria mentioned below for this vacancy. The eligible candidates can submit their application directly before 25 May 2022. Candidates can check the latest Government of Uttar Pradesh Recruitment 2022 Urban ASHA Vacancy 2022 details and apply online at the https://up.gov.in/ recruitment 2022 page.

Office of the Sub-Divisional Officer Purulia द्वारा Accredited Social Health Activist पदों के लिए भर्ती

आवेदन करने की अंतिम दिनांक: May 17, 2022
नौकरी स्थान: Purulia, West Bengal
Office of the Sub-Divisional Officer Purulia Accredited Social Health Activist Recruitment 2022: Advertisement for the post of Accredited Social Health Activist in District Magistrate & District Collector Purulia. Candidates are advised to read the details, and eligibility criteria mentioned below for this vacancy. The eligible candidates can submit their applications directly before 18 May 2022.

Uttar Dinajpur Districtl द्वारा ASHA पदों के लिए भर्ती

आवेदन करने की अंतिम दिनांक: Apr 21, 2022
नौकरी स्थान: Uttar Dinajpur, West Bengal
Vacancy Circular No: Uttar Dinajpur District invites applications for recruitment of ASHA

आप सभी से निवेदन है कि इस जॉब लिंक को अपने दोस्तों को Whatsapp ग्रुप, फेसबुक या अन्य सोशल नेटवर्क पर अधिक से अधिक शेयर करें. आप के एक Share से किसी का फायदा हो सकता है. तो अधिक से अधिक लोगो तक Share करें. हर रोज इस वेबसाइट पर आप सभी को, सभी प्रकार की सरकारी नौकरी की जानकारी दिया जाता है।

सभी से अनुरोध है की आवेदन करने से पहले विस्तृत अधिसूचना और अन्य जानकारियों जैसे विभागीय नोटिफिकेशन या विज्ञापन का स्वयं अवलोकन कर लें | पात्रता सम्बंधित निर्देशों को समझ कर आवेदन करें | किसी भी स्थिति में विभागीय विज्ञापन में दिए गए निर्देश ही मान्य होंगे |आप सभी से निवेदन है कि इस अधिसूचना को अधिक से अधिक WhatsApp और facebook पर शेयर करें। आपके दोस्तों को इस जॉब अधिसूचना अच्छे रोजगार के अवसर प्राप्त कर सकती है |

आप अपने सुझाव contact form के द्वारा भेज सकते है। हमारा प्रयास हमेशा रहता है हिंदी रोजगार को और भी बेहतर बनाने का।

ये भी पढ़ें!